Toyota Launches New Auto Insurance Product With OEM Parts Endorsement

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JSMedia – As part of their new offering, Toyota has launched its new Auto Insurance product, Toyota Care Roadside Assistance. This coverage option is designed to match the lifestyle of the customer, and also offers coverage for non-Toyota vehicles in the customer’s household. For customers in search of a low-cost policy, the OEM parts endorsement is a great choice. While the UBI option may not be as convenient as purchasing a warranty, the OEM parts endorsement has many advantages, and Toyota believes it will attract budget-conscious consumers.

In addition to the warranty coverage, Toyota Auto Insurance will also cover repairs and replacement parts on vehicles that were made by the automaker. In addition to Toyota vehicles, this coverage will also cover vehicles made by other manufacturers. It is available for both Toyota vehicles and non-Toyota vehicles that are 10 years old or newer. In addition, a driver who owns a non-Toyota vehicle can also opt to add OEM parts coverage.

The coverage includes the repair and replacement costs of OEM parts in the event of a claim. Toyota Auto Insurance is currently available in five states and will soon be available in Texas, Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, and Louisiana. It will be sold through Toyota dealerships and online. Togle, a subsidiary of Farmers Insurance, supports the new program.

Toyota Launches New Auto Insurance Product With OEM Parts Endorsement

Toyota Launches New Auto Insurance Product With OEM Parts Endorsement

BrightDrive, a new usage-based insurance plan, will be available in five states starting February 2020. Toggle will be the insurance company that backs Toyota Auto Policies. Its digital insurance solutions are designed to integrate with other benefits associated with Toyota vehicles, like the extended warranty.

Toyota Auto Insurance has expanded its coverage options for drivers, allowing them to add more protection in the event of an accident. The service also covers non-Toyota vehicles that are in the owner’s household. In addition to car insurance, Toyota also offers home insurance, renters insurance, and pet insurance. While it does not provide coverage for a rideshare driver, Toyota Auto-Care is designed to provide peace of mind.

Toyota Auto-Care insurance does not require a driver to use OEM parts. It’s available in five US states now, but is coming to more states in the future. This new auto insurance is not exclusively from the automaker. It’s a joint venture with Toggle, which is owned by Farmers Insurance. Rather, it offers a more affordable, customizable solution with the same benefits as other auto-care products.

The new policy allows customers to choose the exact type of coverage they want. The policy offers customized coverage, enabling them to choose the best option based on their unique needs. The product also includes a wide variety of other features, such as rental car discounts and other incentives. For example, if you have a new Toyota, you can add it to your policy for free. Then you can customize the policy for your pet.