Cure Auto Insurance Super Bowl Commercial Draws Criticism

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The Super Bowl is one of the most-watched events in the world, and advertisers spend millions of dollars to get their messages in front of the massive audience. One of the commercials that aired during the Super Bowl was for Cure Auto Insurance, and it has drawn criticism from some viewers.

The Commercial

The commercial features a man who is driving a car with a woman in the passenger seat. The woman is crying, and the man is trying to comfort her. As they drive, they pass by a billboard for Cure Auto Insurance, and the woman stops crying and smiles. The man then looks at the camera and says, “She’s smiling because of the money we saved with Cure Auto Insurance.”

The Criticism

Many viewers took issue with the commercial, saying that it trivialized domestic violence. They felt that the woman’s tears were a sign that she had been abused, and that the man’s attempt to comfort her was a way of covering up the abuse. They also felt that the commercial made light of a serious issue, and that it was inappropriate to use it as a way to sell insurance.

The Response

Cure Auto Insurance responded to the criticism by saying that the commercial was not intended to trivialize domestic violence. They said that the woman’s tears were meant to be tears of joy, and that the man was trying to comfort her because she had just received good news. They also said that they did not intend to offend anyone, and that they were sorry if they did.

The Impact

The controversy surrounding the commercial has had an impact on Cure Auto Insurance. Many people have taken to social media to express their displeasure with the commercial, and some have said that they will no longer do business with the company. The controversy has also led to discussions about the appropriate use of sensitive topics in advertising, and the responsibility that companies have to their customers.


The Cure Auto Insurance Super Bowl commercial has drawn criticism from some viewers who felt that it trivialized domestic violence. The company responded by saying that the commercial was not meant to offend anyone, and that they were sorry if they did. The controversy has had an impact on the company, and has sparked discussions about the appropriate use of sensitive topics in advertising.